織帶在生活中(zhōng)都有(yǒu)哪些用(yòng)途 What are the uses of ribbons in daily life

發布時間 Release time: 2023-11-29

  什麽是織帶?織帶作(zuò)為(wèi)輔助材料在很(hěn)多(duō)産(chǎn)品上都發揮着作(zuò)用(yòng),不管是美觀性影響還是功能(néng)性影響,無一不體(tǐ)現織帶的不可(kě)或缺。織帶企業用(yòng)于服裝(zhuāng),鞋,箱包,工(gōng)業,農業,軍需,交通安(ān)全等行業管理(lǐ)部門。在20世紀30年代,編織是由手工(gōng)車(chē)間生産(chǎn)的,以棉線(xiàn)和麻線(xiàn)為(wèi)原料。新(xīn)中(zhōng)國(guó)成立後,織帶用(yòng)原料市場經濟逐漸成為(wèi)發展社會發展到一個公(gōng)司錦綸、維綸、滌綸、丙綸、氨綸、粘膠等,形成以及其他(tā)機織、編結、針織三大類進行生産(chǎn)工(gōng)藝信息管理(lǐ)技(jì )術,織物(wù)具(jù)有(yǒu)重要結構有(yǒu)平紋、斜紋、緞紋、提花(huā)、雙層、多(duō)層、管狀和聯合企業可(kě)以組織。

  色帶類:主要機織和針織帶用(yòng)兩大類。織帶,特别是提花(huā)織帶,與布标技(jì )術有(yǒu)點相似,但布标經度是固定的,圖案用(yòng)緯紗來表示;而織帶企業的基本緯紗是固定的,設計圖案用(yòng)經紗來表示,使用(yòng)小(xiǎo)型機器。國(guó)民(mín)機器學(xué)習的每一次排版、生産(chǎn)、穿線(xiàn)、調整可(kě)能(néng)需要較長(cháng)的時間,對工(gōng)作(zuò)效率的研究也不高。

  織帶我們作(zuò)為(wèi)主要進行管理(lǐ)系統功能(néng)是裝(zhuāng)飾性的,也有(yǒu)是功能(néng)性的。例如包裝(zhuāng)禮品的絲帶、裝(zhuāng)飾聖誕樹的彩帶、具(jù)有(yǒu)安(ān) 全作(zuò)用(yòng)的汽車(chē)安(ān) 全帶等等,這些織帶不僅有(yǒu)顔色區(qū)分(fēn),而且還可(kě)印刷各種文(wén)字、圖案,總之款式多(duō)樣,顔色豐富,甚至還可(kě)以按自己的圖案進行定制。

What is a ribbon? Ribbon, as an auxiliary material, plays a role in many products, both in terms of aesthetic and functional effects, all of which reflect the indispensable role of ribbon. Ribbon weaving enterprises are used in industry management departments such as clothing, shoes, luggage, industry, agriculture, military supplies, and traffic safety. In the 1930s, weaving was produced by manual workshops using cotton and hemp threads as raw materials. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the market economy for raw materials used in weaving gradually became a developing society. A company developed into a production process information management technology for nylon, vinylon, polyester, polypropylene, spandex, viscose, and other types of weaving, weaving, and knitting. The fabric has important structures such as plain, twill, satin, jacquard, double-layer, multi-layer, tubular, and can be organized by joint enterprises.

Color bands: mainly used in two categories: woven and knitted bands. Ribbon, especially jacquard ribbon, is somewhat similar to fabric marking technology, but the fabric marking longitude is fixed, and the pattern is represented by weft yarn; The basic weft yarn of ribbon weaving enterprises is fixed, and the design pattern is represented by warp yarn using small machines. The layout, production, threading, and adjustment of national machine learning may take a long time, and the research on work efficiency is not high.

As the main management system, the ribbon has both decorative and functional functions. For example, ribbons for packaging gifts, ribbons for decorating Christmas trees, car seat belts with safety functions, and so on. These woven ribbons not only have color distinctions, but can also be printed with various texts and patterns. In short, they have a variety of styles and rich colors, and can even be customized according to their own patterns.
